Thursday, July 24, 2008


Japan was struck by a pretty strong earthquake at midnight, just after we finished watching, er, woke up to a dumb movie not worth mentioning here. C went back to sleep while we were still rolling and I turned on the TV; which was still on its perch, to check out the news.

Amazingly, I did not have to wait (usually 3 to 5 minutes after a quake) as the news flashed a map of Northern Japan with the varying quake magnitudes all laid out and tsunami warnings constantly updated! I was still feeling queasy since our building was still swaying - like motion sickness when I ride a car. It was M2 in Tokyo, quite weak unless you are several meters from ground level.

On the same note, that dodgy email about the triangle of life which has been around has come around again from a friend. All I can say is that when an earthquake strikes, make sure you turn off your stove and then run under a table and hope it's sturdy enough. You can't really do much. So last midnight during the quake, I just turned on the TV for the news.

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